Babies, (She said with a Ukrainian accent)
Hey United Airlines, thanks for the call today letting me know that Paul’s flight in Beijing was on time. That was great.
The thing is, there isn’t a lot I can do about it here in The States, and then there’s the little detail that you woke me up…because it was ONE IN THE MORNING!
I awoke at five this morning to the sound of Eden crashing into Paul’s nightstand as she fell out of our bed, into which she crawled last night when Christopher accidentally triggered the house alarm as he opened up the back door to take some pictures of the moon…at midnight.
Day 14 – Early Edition
Paul is winging his way around the world as I write. He has spent the last couple of weeks in Vietnam. This is the last trip in a series that have been long and frequent since Thanksgiving. Last year was very light for travel until late November and he’s been gone off and on since.
Happy Wednesday
Sorry everyone for being so whiney and pathetic. Insomnia sucks but, as my wise brother-in-law, David, said just the other day “If everyone is still alive, there is always something worse.”