Sorry everyone for being so whiney and pathetic. Insomnia sucks but, as my wise brother-in-law, David, said just the other day “If everyone is still alive, there is always something worse.”
My kids are healthy and well – loud like a stick in my ear drum – and just fine. I don’t want to take that for granted.
Today I am going to be thankful for Christopher’s passion, for Lydia’s sensitivity and for Eden’s fierceness. I am going to be thankful for the essence of who they are, the unique way God created each one and I’m going to trust that He has given me what it takes to raise and guide all of them.
did you sleep?
From 10 pm until 2 am and then again from after 4 am until a little before 8 am. I got almost eight hours, slightly unconventionally.
The chili was a hit. Tano was requesting his second bowl before I had finished my salad. Thanks for the easy and quick recipe.
I made it just the way you suggested and I don’t think I would add a thing. I will save my own chili recipe for other times, since it has a very different look and taste, and that way I can make a vat of chili almost twice as often without boring anyone too badly. Right? Maybe not.
that’s not bad, but not ideal…
too bad you don’t live close i have a little something in my bedside drawer that might help… 🙂
Sherry, I’m glad it worked. It’s so simple, feeds a crowd and is quite good. I need to find more meals like that.
Allison, it’s 3:26 a.m. as I write and I really wish we did live closer.
I love how you described each of the kiddies. That is how I would have described them, too.