This was taken several weeks ago. Don’t you love all the pinks and mauves? This is why I garden: so that little girls can pick and pick and pick to their hearts content.

Expert on the etiquette of perilous times.
This was taken several weeks ago. Don’t you love all the pinks and mauves? This is why I garden: so that little girls can pick and pick and pick to their hearts content.
We have established a new chore system inspired by my good friend, Sherry. It’s brilliant. Work is completely voluntary and the payment is in poker chips which can be exchanged for money or screen time. There is immediate feedback as well as positive peer pressure. Since it is voluntary there is no coercion and since any computer, video or T.V. viewing depends on it, there is motivation. One of my favorite aspects is that the kids can earn one chip a day just for keeping their rooms clean. How brilliant that they are learning that a little work, every single day, pays off royally.
Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of my father’s death. I noted it at 6:31 a.m. as I was getting ready for church. It was soon before or after six in the morning that the phone rang and woke me that Sunday morning, five years ago. When I heard my sister’s voice I was confused because I thought she was sleeping in the basement but she had awoken early and driven to the hospital to wait with my mom. They were there when he died.
A Pug named Princess who told me her life story while I dug out a new garden bed. It’s a tear jerker. Her mother, a Rottweiler, abandoned her and all her siblings (a Golden Retriever, a Black Lab, a Rottweiler like her mom, a Boxer and a Dalmation- some litter!) in a basket to go off and marry a “handsome dog.” How she and her siblings managed to travel the world in that basket to my door is quite the story and I’m sure she would gladly tell you when you have an hour (or two) to spare.