Mothering, dog ownering, sweeping and gardening trumped blogging, today. Perhaps tomorrow.
Archives for June 2008
Yes, we all left our hearts in Montana but we did get the rest of our bodies back to Michigan.
Lately I have been thinking about how much a person can learn just visiting another place. You all know I am not the sort to keep things under my hat so I will be kicking off a Lifelong Learning Series here at OTJ highlighting all that I learned this week.
I’m quite busy: sleeping in, drinking coffee, staring at bulging suitcases, busting up fights between children and wading through dog hair takes time, you know. I promise I’ll be back tomorrow, at the latest, ready to begin imparting the wisdom and knowledge I have most recently acquired.
The Lifelong Learning Series will begin with this question:
How do you turn a one hour flight into a nine hour odyssey?
Rest assured, I know.
John Denver, I get it now, I really do.
Off and on, all day Paul’s been singing, “Oh sweet Montana, give this child a home,” because we’re here, visiting friends. It’s beautiful. Words fail. We are in a valley cradled by the Rockies. And they aren’t kidding about the Big Sky. Sherry and I drove into town to run an errand, taking a ridicuoulsy scenic route.
I am in love with Montana and a dim and fat little dog who lives here. Sherry and her family are pretty great too.
I’ll report back next week.