This was taken several weeks ago. Don’t you love all the pinks and mauves? This is why I garden: so that little girls can pick and pick and pick to their hearts content.

Wowza! Look at that mouth.
Mothering, wifeing, aunting, sistering, gardening, pooling and reading (always!) have trumped blogging for a while. With the holiday, birthdays and a workshop I’m attending, posting will probably be light for a bit, but I will when I can. I still owe Canada pictures of the Wizzle stealing popcorn. I remember.
hi alison – just wanted to let you know that i love reading about your family; torey’s too. thinking about starting up my own blog one of these days. keep the posts coming when you have time, it is a source of humor and companionship for many i am sure. love you and the family – brynn
Brynn! I’ve been thinking about you! I was just looking at a picture of two beautiful brown-eyed girls.
DO start a blog, it is such fun for family at a distance to keep in touch and see the kids. I didn’t know you were reading. 🙂 Thanks for commenting, it’s so good to hear from you.
The name is the main hurdle. What about “Brown-Eyed Girl(s)”? People would have Van Morrison on the brain like always and that’s a good thing.
Hey Allison, You might want to listen to the June 22 message from Mars Hill. It is a cool message about creativity.
i concur. it evaporated.