There are times that I wonder if my colleagues have secret meetings without me and schedule our days so that at all times, at least one of them, is misbehaving. I’ve never actually come across the little planners I picture, but I won’t be surprised if I ever do.
Why we have a king size bed:
Of course, I’m on here too and Jackie Boy is lying on the floor beside it. Christopher has thrown up twice this morning. Paul HAD to go to work this but is coming home at lunch. I didn’t sleep well last night and the girls seemed to cough non stop. I still feel really terrible, but I managed to get water and toast for everyone, dole out medicine and feed the dog.
It is Monday morning. Grey.
Hola Amigos!
You can’t hear it, but this is a little girl learning Spanish. VERY LOUDLY. She is playing a CD I bought her called “Hola Amigo.” There are 16 songs, sung once in English, then again in Spanish. The Bean takes her Spanish very seriously. One of her favorites is called “Special” or “Especiale” She had a big disappointment this morning and needed the fortification of hearing, “Special, special, I’m as special as can be…” Twice.
Once encouraged, she decided to keep going. I can’t take much more…at least at this volume.
School’s out for the day and we are heading to a toy store to look around (the kids) and to make some surrepetitious purchases (me). Christopher and Lydia both have September birthdays. It finally occurred to me this year that I could buy the presents ahead of time.
I know. I know. I’ve only been doing this thing for (almost) twelve years. Still learning. For those of you who always have presents bought months ahead, alphabetize your pantry and do your laundry go ahead and puff up with pride, sneer, pat yourselves on the back, whatever! I’m glad to help you feel better about yourselves.
So I hope to make some purchases on the sly, get them wrapped up this weekend and then gloat, gloat, gloat for two weeks in Lydia’s case and a month in Christopher’s.