It is Monday morning. Grey.
Snow has been falling all week and more fell last night, so everything is fresh and beautiful, but I am blue.
I am reconsidering my job today, being a mother and all. It’s not seeming like such a good fit for my skill set. My skill set, such as it is, I am finding quite limited. I am confident I am qualified to run around shrieking and I think I could handle holding both my hands beside my face while I do it.
I am also extremely good at laying about and reading.
Same page here in NC. Same story.
Sorry to hear that. Is it grey too?
Even here today. But, of course, rain rather than snow.
And my house is a mess. Time to fire the manservant.
I am digging out, room by room. I have had a handle on my main areas since Paul’s mom did a blitz in December, but all the bedrooms, the laundry and the entire upstairs were a horror show. The bedrooms have been tamed, the laundry is coming along, but the upstairs…there really aren’t words for it.
I hope the sun returns tomorrow. Regarding the house, baby steps, my friend.