At the moment I am debating between:
There are surprises and then there are SURPRISES…
We have established a new chore system inspired by my good friend, Sherry. It’s brilliant. Work is completely voluntary and the payment is in poker chips which can be exchanged for money or screen time. There is immediate feedback as well as positive peer pressure. Since it is voluntary there is no coercion and since any computer, video or T.V. viewing depends on it, there is motivation. One of my favorite aspects is that the kids can earn one chip a day just for keeping their rooms clean. How brilliant that they are learning that a little work, every single day, pays off royally.
Career Talk
Tonight while I was tucking Eden into bed the subject of her future work came up. Old time readers of the blog, might recall that Eden’s first career goal was to be a “Sample Lady at Meijer” (I’d link to it, but I’m tired.) which we all agreed would suit her to a T. Now she wants to be a “Dog Vet.” Although I am feeling for future Meijer shoppers, I think this is a good choice too.
What I did today
1. Made coffee.
Most people, I think, were raised on cookies or bars. I was raised on cookies. It would be interesting to consider the sort of people who are attracted to making bars. There is much to be said for them, they are certainly quicker and, if you crave it, there is the option of uniformity. It must be pleasing, for some, to be able to cut perfectly square or rectangular bars, leaving the curled up edges to be eaten in private by the baker. This is all conjecture since, as I mentioned, my experience and expertise is with cookies.