Today we are preparing for Eden’s half birthday, her “Friend Party”. She has been busy gathering streamers and rifling though the cupboard that contains all our baking supplies. Just a moment ago she called out, “I want to use this to put my cake on.”
38 is great!
Last night, as I was tucking her into bed, Eden asked what kind of birthday I wanted.
“39…for the first time”
That’s what Paul’s says whenever he’s asked how old he’ll be this year.
What is he doing? You might be wondering. This, my dear friends, is a Grade A example of “Flower Face.” Often, when one of has been sweet or is feeling sheepish or shyly proud, the other one will command the one with all the feelings to, “Make a flower face.”
We don’t get out a lot.
My intention was to post of picture that showed Paul as the handsome, dignified man, he is,but (at least on Photobooth and without me) there were none to be found. People who don’t drop their cameras and people who do drop their cameras and then replace them, don’t face these sorts of challenges. Clearly I’m not those kind of people.
Happy Birthday, my wonderful nut, many, many more.
A Young Man
Checking In
Paul is in Orlando today. He got up this morning at 4:30, flew out at 6:30 and will be back tonight after 10. I really admire how hard he works and without complaint. He just tries to keep all the balls in the air. I need to check in with him more about what is going on at work so that I can support him, if only with compassion and understanding. (Aside to Paul: Dude check in with me too. Help a girl help you.) Fortunately I was paying attention last night and realized that a lot of demands were being placed on him professionally and so I was for him rather than trying to load more things on his back.
It’s so easy to be myopic.
I had a good day writing, Tuesday, great really. I finished an essay that I am going to speak from next week. Later that night I began to panic because the talk I am giving for our writer’s conference on the 12th isn’t done yet. Spent yesterday worried but have since begun figuring out how to make the time between school, my mom’s birthday, tomorrow, Christopher’s friend party, Saturday and family party and actual birthday, Sunday.
I have felt agitated, tired and weepy all day and all day I’ve been telling myself I have no reason (not pre-menstrual, had a decent night’s sleep) to feel this way instead of being curious why I am.
Today would have been my dad’s 69th birthday. Although I am not consciously upset about it, some part of me is mourning.
I don’t have a snappy finish to this. The kids need to be fed and the barking dog reprimanded. Will feed the hungry and discipline the naughty, do some of my work and then welcome my husband home. when he arrives.