1. Made coffee.
2. Drove Paul to work since our van, Two Tone (known with affection as Two Tonie) is dead.
3. Exercised.
4. Drank coffee and ate breakfast.
5. Decided to push back school in order to walk the dog and the children.
6. Discovered that Lydia’s bike has a flat tire and took down two other bikes (mine and Christopher’s old one) from the rafters only to discover that they had flat tires too. Fortunately Christopher agreed to share his bike with her.
7. Had a very nice walk…on the way out. The day was quite brisk, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, so it felt invigorating. The big kids happily went back and forth with Christopher’s bike and Eden sailed along on her new big girl bike. Our half way point was a stream where they all threw sticks and pebbles into the water. Jack waded in and dragged me around. It was on the way home where the wheels started to come off. Eden hit a wall of exhaustion and wanted me to carry her. She settled for holding my hand and whining all the way home while Lydia and Christopher took turns pushing her bike.
8. Made lunch.
9. Taught school.
10. Drove everyone to our local botanical gardens. It has a huge conservatory where they release butterflies every spring. The butterflies are the most active on sunny days and it has always been overcast when I have visited in the past. The sun was shining and the butterflies were everywhere. We had a very nice time.
11. Went to the store to buy a bicycle pump. Ended up with a cart full of groceries.
12. Picked up Paul.
13. Made dinner.
14. Picked up the living room.
15. Tucked the girls into bed.
16. Shopped around the internet for another van.
17. Retucked Eden.
18. Retucked Eden.
19. Crawled in with Eden who wanted me to snuggle for a little bit.
20. Passed out.
21. Woke to Paul trying to pull me up.
22. Checked e-mail.
23. Blogged.
I still need to brush my teeth, set the alarm and pray.
I’ll probably read too.
Just realized that the first thing I did today was read my Bible and prayed, but I am too lazy to change everything.
Good night.
I do hope you were able to fall back asleep. Happy Tuesday to you, in advance.