First Day of School – Ever!

Expert on the etiquette of perilous times.
Today, at Eden’s check up, the doctor asked her what she’s going to learn in Kindergarten. She thought for a moment and then said, “I don’t know, I’ve never been there before.”
Well Eden’s 1/2 birthday or “fake birthday” as Torey called it is almost over. She had a wonderful party. Normally Paul and I double team for parties, but he wasn’t able to come home and I hadn’t expected him to, but he was missed. Torey was here, but she was busy with Willa Z. who was refusing a nap.
Today we are preparing for Eden’s half birthday, her “Friend Party”. She has been busy gathering streamers and rifling though the cupboard that contains all our baking supplies. Just a moment ago she called out, “I want to use this to put my cake on.”