I tried to do a close up so you could see the dirt on her coat, but it wouldn’t play. Bottom line, the kid’s adorable. I mean look at that gorgeous jaw. “You mean jowl?” Her father asked. Yes.
Expert on the etiquette of perilous times.
I tried to do a close up so you could see the dirt on her coat, but it wouldn’t play. Bottom line, the kid’s adorable. I mean look at that gorgeous jaw. “You mean jowl?” Her father asked. Yes.
“Mama, do you like being how old you are now?”
Eden and I are both sporting name tags that she made out of post it notes. I had to spell my names for her. She wanted all of them. I dropped my original middle name (9 letters) and gave her my maiden one (5 letters) instead. Three names took some serious time. She can’t write all her letters, so I had to make her a little template several times.
There are times that I wonder if my colleagues have secret meetings without me and schedule our days so that at all times, at least one of them, is misbehaving. I’ve never actually come across the little planners I picture, but I won’t be surprised if I ever do.
“Knock Knock!” said Eden.