I might be posting this from my bed.
Paul awoke at four this morning and inadvertently woke me too. Unable to get back to sleep, we got up to walk Jack a little after five. It was all for naught because the trail was icy and neither of us felt like falling on our duff. Picky, I know. We walked Jack around the yard and then went back inside. It wasn’t even six. We collapsed into bed and passed out. I would probably still be sleeping if Lydia didn’t need to get up to go to a program she attends once a week.
She felt sick and had a sore throat so we went to the doctor instead.
We have reached that point in the winter of eye clawing desperation.
Tonight I am taking Lydia to the Hannah Montana movie. I know that this isn’t going to help me in the eye clawing category, but it will mean a lot to my little girl and it is recorded here as evidence of my Good Motheredness.
Torey and her two girls, as well as all my kids are on the bed with me.
And now Paul is home.