The workshop is finished. It was great and I want to talk about some things about marriage in general. One of the guidelines the participants agree to is complete confidentiality: what comes up in the workshop stays in the workshop. I am sure you can appreciate that. In the past I have confused confidentiality and anonymity. Now I would rather error on the side of caution, which demands a certain amount of circumspection before saying anything at all.
One of the roles Paul and I filled was Prayer Captain. We shared the role, which gave us lots of opportunities to see where we struggle working together, where we don’t communicate, where we assume, where we don’t combine our strengths and divide the labor. This while we were already navigating some painful aspects of our marriage as well as feeling the heaviness of carrying others in prayer. And I think I mentioned that Eden had night terrors almost every night…
It was arduous.
Which is what marriage can be sometimes.
Way back in early December our little band of volunteers – the team – came up with a theme for this particular workshop “Receive it all/Give it all” based on part of Luke 12:48 “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” One guy suggested the verse and I felt strongly about the theme. I was thinking of how, so often, we miss the gifts that our already ours: the fullness of our relationship with God, the love and grace he offers, the gifts of our families and other relationships, etc. For myself, I sometimes get a little stuck on what I think I’m not receiving or make up that “I’M GIVING SO MUCH ALREADY!”
Perhaps I’m the only one…
So there’s lots to tell, but I need to sleep.
I’ll try to write tomorrow.
Good girl.
Had I not seen or heard anything from you by tomorrow, I would have posted some questions here for you with multiple choice answers, so you could let us know basically how the conference went and how you are now, with minimal effort besides posting your answers.
I am anxious to hear more of the story.
I can’t believe I just typed “besides.”
I think it’s early to bed for me tonight.