I asked Charlie to take my picture with Birdie. That’s her purse in the foreground. She is not quite 11 and not quite 5′ 4″. Isn’t she lovely?
July 6, 2008
I’ve been meaning to post some pictures of Torey’s birthday. Here she is with her in-laws, Neil and Kathy.

An introduction:
If you look at my links you will see I added The Peanut Gallery. This is my sister’s blog that showcases the Peanutty half of the Legumes. I didn’t link to her originally because she started it back when I was paranoid and didn’t post pictures of my kids on the internet. Since her blog is almost entirely pictures and my kids are frequent subjects, well you follow.
An Adjustment
Torey’s due date has been changed. It was the 19th, but at 20 weeks they moved it to January 7. Some of us who are not nine months pregnant have been wondering if the original due date was correct, but kept silent, because how can you suggest to someone who is so ready to be done, that maybe…perhaps… she or, at the very least her baby, isn’t? The new due date is now January 18, this Friday.
We took these pictures after two in the morning, minutes before Torey and her family left. Only then, did it occur to us that we had neglected to get a family picture, something several of us wanted. I thought we had only gotten one with David, Paul, a sleepy Ren and we four siblings and forgot about this one. A personal friend of my brothers and a cyber friend of mine, Sunva, noted in previous comments that my brothers and I all have the same nose. We know it, and Torey has it too, as you all can see for yourselves. We are clear on this because, when Torey was a tiny baby, we three older ones would put her in the cat basket all swaddled in blankets and laugh at her nose. We thought she was cute and sweet but her tiny little ski jump of a nose cracked us all up. My parents were laughing at us too, because all three of us had the same nose, which we got from our father. My mother didn’t keep it a secret that she thought we all would have been better off with hers, but ours have served us well.
It looks like my girls, have gotten their own father’s nose, but I think Christopher is going to have the Wolfe’s.
And now we are still waiting for the wee-est member of our family to make her appearance. It probably won’t be much after that that her sister and cousins will have her bundled in a basket like her mother before her. I can’t wait to see her face…and not just to check out her nose.