Eden H. – perennial Kindergarten dropout candidate
I should add that the state of everything is all the more sweet today as, had I posted last night, it could have been titled “Taste of Armageddon”.
Kids, I’ve been taken out by a terrible cold, at least that’s what I thought for a couple of days as I gulped immunity drinks and took my vitamins. Then I woke up with intense sinus pain and thought, “Oh it’s my allergies!” and began to take something for that. After a couple days of pain and exhaustion it occurred to me that last year when my allergies flared within a couple hours of taking my anti-histamine I felt fine. The next morning I went to the doctor who diagnosed me with a sinus infection exacerbated by allergies.
It’s been a busy few days since we last spoke: terrible storms, a power outage and it’s attending chaos, (note: do NOT bring a breast feeding infant prone to screaming when separated from her mother into your home at the precise moment you realize that the generator you were relying on to keep hundreds of dollars worth of food frozen and that sounds like a lawn mower in your kitchen whilst belching headache inducing fumes, is not actually keeping anything frozen because it’s not working. Just don’t. Trust me.) a national holiday and it’s fun and – let’s face it – chaos, home renovations and a birthday – Torey’s 33rd.
There are surprises and then there are SURPRISES…
We have established a new chore system inspired by my good friend, Sherry. It’s brilliant. Work is completely voluntary and the payment is in poker chips which can be exchanged for money or screen time. There is immediate feedback as well as positive peer pressure. Since it is voluntary there is no coercion and since any computer, video or T.V. viewing depends on it, there is motivation. One of my favorite aspects is that the kids can earn one chip a day just for keeping their rooms clean. How brilliant that they are learning that a little work, every single day, pays off royally.