It’s been a busy few days since we last spoke: terrible storms, a power outage and it’s attending chaos, (note: do NOT bring a breast feeding infant prone to screaming when separated from her mother into your home at the precise moment you realize that the generator you were relying on to keep hundreds of dollars worth of food frozen and that sounds like a lawn mower in your kitchen whilst belching headache inducing fumes, is not actually keeping anything frozen because it’s not working. Just don’t. Trust me.) a national holiday and it’s fun and – let’s face it – chaos, home renovations and a birthday – Torey’s 33rd.
Mine is Tuesday. I will be 38. Please send presents.
In the coming days you will be able to witness the glory and pageantry that was the Second Annual Dad and Christopher Fireworks Extravaganza as well as pictures from the Fourth of July parade, the carnival and Torey’s birthday dinner. It’s all a feast for the eyes.
Sounds like you’ve been having way too much fun. Can’t wait to see the photos.
Welcome to 38, if I don’t remember it Tuesday. I hope you get to have some fun.
Willa screaming?
I don’t believe it….
Happy Birthday, dear friend!
What ya got a hankering for, in the goodie department? Pie? Tart?
We’re open and taking requests…
Happy Birthday, Alison from all of us R’s!
Reeny called to wish you a happy birthday. I wonder if you got the message.
When I told her it was your birthday today too, she said. “I LOVE her! She’s my best friend!”
Happy Birthday!
This may go down in the record books as the first and only (and likely last) time I have ever wished you a happy birthday on your actual big day, so enjoy.
T-minus two years and counting…