Today Eden stepped into the van and noticed an empty bag of a chocolate chips. “Who left this?” She asked as much as accused.
“Who do you think?” I said.
“He’s got quite a sweet tooth.” I said.
“I think he has that thing you told me about that girls and women, who are 11 to 50, get every month, where they want chocolate.”
“No, not that. He just craves sweets.” I said, trying not to laugh.
“I noticed that you said ‘Girls’ or ‘Women’ and not ‘People.’ Why is that?”
“It’s only women or girls who have what we were talking about.”
“Oh, well I think Rennie and Willa (cousins, 8 and 4 respectively) are going to crave candy.”
There was quiet for a moment as she thought.
“I’m more of a chocolate person, myself.”
Me too, Baby, me too.
Eden is in VERY good company. 🙂