This girl just asked me if she could have a jack knife when she’s in third or fourth grade.
We’ve been in conversation about her having a jack knife “when she’s older”, but this is the first time she’s pinned me down to an age. I managed to pawn her off with a, “We’ll have to see.” She’s a keen admirer of all of her brother’s jackknives, especially the Swiss Army one that my mom gave him for Christmas. She was turning this over as we spoke.
“Why do you want a jack knife?” I thought to ask.
I’ve been so busy delivering my responsibility homilies it’s never occurred to me to question why she wants one at all. Thinking about it now, I guess I just assumed that, “It’s Eden, of course she’s attracted to something dangerous,” but, as always, this kid has depth and a quick answer.
“If a robber came and trapped us in a bag I could pull out the scissors and cut us out.”
So nice to know she’s planning ahead! 🙂
She was very mature and helpful when cutting up the tomatoes at dinner when I was there.
Love this photo.
I think that’s a valid point…