I was checking my e-mail and beside me was this adorable kid sweetly eating her sandwich. I turned my laptop and took her picture. She decided it would be better if she was sitting on my lap.

Expert on the etiquette of perilous times.
I was checking my e-mail and beside me was this adorable kid sweetly eating her sandwich. I turned my laptop and took her picture. She decided it would be better if she was sitting on my lap.
Tonight while I was tucking Eden into bed the subject of her future work came up. Old time readers of the blog, might recall that Eden’s first career goal was to be a “Sample Lady at Meijer” (I’d link to it, but I’m tired.) which we all agreed would suit her to a T. Now she wants to be a “Dog Vet.” Although I am feeling for future Meijer shoppers, I think this is a good choice too.
I’m sitting in a dark kitchen and the only things I can hear are the hum of the fridge and the sound of birds singing.
I tried to do a close up so you could see the dirt on her coat, but it wouldn’t play. Bottom line, the kid’s adorable. I mean look at that gorgeous jaw. “You mean jowl?” Her father asked. Yes.
Eden is putting together an outfit that only a mother could love her in. The real problem is that her own mother isn’t feeling the love.