Paul is home from Vietnam, for which we are very thankful. There were bad storms today and he flew through O’Hare which is often a challenge. He was only delayed a couple hours and now he is tucking the kids into bed and while I lounge in our room.
It was a rough week.
I am glad we have the weekend to reconnect and to relax.
I’m still figuring this out: Paul’s travel, being here alone with the kids, educating them and running the house. This week it seems like there were more failures than successes.
I have been a mother and a housewife for over 12 years, but I still feel like I am in the discovery stage, still learning so much. Is that just life?
I am thinking about a lot of things, something big is percolating in my mind and spirit, and then there are all the thoughts and considerations on the periphery.
This is what I pray every day: Use my life. Don’t let me waste any of it. Use it all.
“Paul is home from Vietnam.”
That phrase just sounds like more of a homecoming than the normal post-business trip return, though it sounds like the battlefield in this case wasn’t in south Asia, but rather in west Michigan.
Thinking of you…
the battlefield is usually in west michigan…