Eden’s rain boots were once Lydia’s and Christopher’s before that. Somewhere along the line the insoles were lost. This, combined with Eden’s propensity to wear them without socks, always concerns me.
Today, holding her hand as she tripped along, I asked her, “Sweetie, do those boots feel very comfortable?”
“They feel great!” She said, “Like steppin’ on a kitten!”
That wasn’t what I expected.
She elaborated, “Barefoot!”
Well, there you have it.
Really, this actually made me laugh aloud.
I can’t generally bring myself to type it out in webspeak like that, but if ever a case merited it, then “like steppin’on a kitten” did.
Not quite ROTFLMAO, mind you, but LOL, for sure.
There’s a phrase that needs to enter into the vernacular.
I want to say that I have never stepped on a kitten, but somehow when I read that my toes seemed to know exactly what that meant….