Archives for June 2007
I love my husband.
Tonight, in a rare moment of quiet in the house, I realized that Paul and I have no one to call today.
This isn’t news, Paul’s dad has been dead 21 years and mine for four, it was just seeing something from another angle and realizing again the finality of death. My brain keeps kicking against the limits and getting bruised.
I didn’t start crying, but I felt sad and regretted time and opportunities that were squandered.
If you do have someone to call today and he is a pain in the neck who let you down, who didn’t give you what you needed growing up and still pushes your buttons, I would encourage you to pray for him every day and thank God for his life which gave you your own.
And I would make the call.
Greedy Jack H.
Oh Kids, Paul and I just got back from the E.R., the Animal Emergency, that is. We have just given 4 1/2 hours of our life to Jack’s latest escapade.
Too tired to tell the tale now.
It’s ridiculous.
Explode the vote
As some of you might know, my friend, Dan, has invented a cookie in honor of Mrs. Field’s 30th anniversary. Please go vote for him here. Scroll down to Chocolate Mint Explosion (right column).
You will be making the world a better place.