OK, so I didn’t buy the digital camera. The one I was planning to purchase got mixed reviews. My second choice is a little bulky. I might need to expand my search.
Saturday, the Bean and I were out and about with Torey and the Peanut. The two Legumes, were walking hand in hand, talking a blue streak. “I can’t believe I left my camera at home.” Torey said. “And I didn’t bring my laptop.” I said, snapping my fingers. She burst out laughing and made me give her a high five. Making Paul or one of my siblings laugh hard is a gold star on my chart.
Jack is a busy boy and a tease. He likes to strike a pose and then dash right before the shot.
Tanner B. – What model is your Olympus?
I highly recommend checking out this site:
I really don’t think I want you to get a digital camera. These are SO much much more satisfying to look at, because I get the added bonus of imaging you staggering around with you MAC.
canon powershot SD600 digital elph. it has everything you need. i love it.