She was a little fussity, but the second I cued up Photo Booth she was on her mark. Isn’t she a doll! Torey and I decided tonight that she is doing a fantastic job at being a baby. Don’t you?
My sister’s baby is due tomorrow and I will be surprised if Torey goes much past that. She’s ready. We’ll see if the baby is too.
When she and her family lived with us we got in the habit of referring to the kids obliquely as “H1, H2, H3 and P1” It worked for some time since Christopher (H1) is hearing impaired and Eden (H3) and Ren (P1) were oblivious, but it was only a matter of time before Lydia (H2) cracked the code. We weren’t really trying to keep it a secret; mainly we used it to draw attention to something hilarious that one or both of the Legumes was doing without attracting their attention.
P2 was referred to before she was even conceived. We’ll never get away with calling her that as an aside, because the girl has been having that yelled at her by the Legumes since she had ears to hear. Soon she will be here and have her own name, but I know the nickname will, if not stick, surface from time to time, and I wonder what memories it will stir for her.
A picture of the Wolfe siblings was requested. This was taken about two the morning Nathan flew out. Looking at it I asked Paul if I looked tired.
“Yeah, you do. These guys,” he said tapping the my brothers’ faces on the screen, “they get up after noon so they look great.”
Aren’t they a couple of handsome gents?