The scene: a large and echoey gymnasium
The Players:
Eden H. – perennial Kindergarten dropout candidate
Christopher H. – her escort, a friendly lad, though prone to impetuous acts
Alison H. – a kindly lady, put in the position of grilling scared Kindergartners in reading Chinese whilst their parents crowded around recording them and her, which precluded supervising the players named above.
Did anyone think this was going to be a success?
It wasn’t.
A little of this, a smidgeon of that
Babies, (She said with a Ukrainian accent)
I have been very busy:
Reading American history and watching it unfold.
Cleaning (OK not as busily) and watching that unfold (not dramatically like history but messily like laundry) as well.
Neducating Christopher, helping with the neducation Lydia is getting at school and keeping Eden from becoming the first Kindergarten dropout in our family history – some historical firsts aren’t so grand.
Today it is cold and grey, here in Michigan. Christopher and I are going to Eden’s school today to celebrate Chinese New Year. There will be a little bit of singing and then a sort of carnival, although I used that term very carefully because Eden scoffed when she found out there wasn’t going to be any inflated plastic jumping things. There are going to be little stations where the kids can walk around and do different things to win tickets which can be turned in for little prizes. Some of the stations are Chinese language related and I was assigned to one of those. With another parent who is Chinese speaking we will give the kids a chance to name the Chinese characters they know. Christopher is going to escort Eden to all the different stations.
This is an avoidance of a self-imposed deadline. I hope everyone is well and coping with the winter the best they can.
We are happy and well, though some of us are a bit fragile because not all of us are here – if you know what I mean.
I don’t know what I am going to do about January though. You give a month some loving praise and then it’s right back to its nasty ways.
I’ll keep you posted.
Do you know how much I love you? Is a question I frequently ask Eden and then answer in silly superlatives. At times, usually when I am tucking her in bed, she will ask me back, but it isn’t every time, so that when she does it is sweet.
Driving home from school today I asked her and then told her, but I can’t remember exactly what I said.
“Do you know how much I love you? She asked.
I didn’t.
“I love you one hundred, thousand, infinity, googol specks of dust.”
“Specks of love dust?” I asked.
“Yes.” She said and then I heard her whisper, “infinity”.
“Infinity” I whispered back.
A Christmas Guest
This is Petunia. (The gray, moppish looking one on the right.) She belongs to dear friends of ours who are visiting family in Minnesota for two weeks over Christmas. When I heard they couldn’t find anyone to house/dog sit, I offered to take Petunia for them.

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