My clothes shopping is infrequent but rigidly scheduled (every October and every other April) and directly tied to writers conferences. The Festival of Faith and Writing is biennial and convenes in April, while Breathe Christian Writers Conference (sponsored by my writer’s group, The Guild) is every October. Wanting to look fresh at these events gets me to the mall.
This past April I found myself waiting until the very last minute. Only a funeral a week before Festival, forced my hand. I had a nice, black dress to wear, but I didn’t have any dress pants for the visitation. Fortunately my sister Torey was able to go shopping with me (I NEVER shop without her) and while we were at it I picked up a few things to wear to Festival.
Only afterwards did I question why I had put it off so long. Did I plan to go a day or two before? That was ridiculous, even for a non-shopper like me.
Pictured above is my nightstand from before. The sooty book in the center is “Thin Within” a book I had been going through in the days before the fire and read that last night. “A Grace Oriented Approach to Lasting Weight Loss” is the subtitle. It’s a Christian book breaking down why a person over eats and a guide for how to break that habit. The idea is to prayerfully work through why you might be overeating and recognize how you are while, slowly and compassionately, breaking the cycles at play.
Six months before the fire I was poking around the nooks and crannies of my life and faced two sources of discontent: my weight and the lack of organization in our home. It’s a good life when the things that trouble you are completely within your control. I knew that and was thankful, and I got to work. I went room by room through the house de-cluttering and reorganizing, and I got back in the habit of exercising regularly and making better food choices. My home was almost entirely in order the day the fire was set; with my body, I had made a solid start with hope for the future.
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You go girl! I’m proud of you for the healthy choices you have been making and the discipline you’ve shown. Can’t wait to see you next week!
I’ve lost 13 in 3 weeks but have farther to go than you do. Nonetheless, I’m inspired. Just clicked the subscribe by email link and now it says I am subscribed without taking my email. When you have a minute, just make sure I’m on your list, OK? Putting you on my blogroll right now.