This is unprecedented.
Up until last week Oliver would not be separated from Eden.
It’s like he read her Pug List and knew “That girl belongs to me.”
We got him January 1 and rarely have they been parted. If she happened to leave him, God help the person who was dog sitting. Until we know he is trustworthy in the house, we’re keeping a very close eye on him or putting him in his kennel. Since he sounds like a tree frog being strangled when we do, we try to limit his time there to when we’re gone.
But last week something shifted. I don’t know why, if it’s that he’s starting to feel at home, but Lydia watched him on Wednesday when Eden and Christopher and I went to the museum and he and Jack slept on her bed while she studied and then Sunday I had him when everyone else was scattered hither and yon.
Pugs snore and snort. They are wonderfully ridiculous dogs. A dear friend of ours has family with pugs. His brother tells him, “You can’t believe how relaxing it is to have a snoring pug sleep against you.”
The brother is right.
That is a ridiculously cute sweet photo.