We’re back at the new house.
How strange it is to be back at something entirely new.
“Are you loving the house?” We are asked a lot. I actually worked out an answer with our therapist, because the short one for me: “No” leads to a really long one that most people wouldn’t want to hear and I don’t want to tell, over and over.
Most of the time I say, “We’re so thankful to be home” circumventing the actual question and yet answering it succinctly and truly, which is important to me. And then I ask, “But how are you?” It’s not all about us – this took me years to figure out – and I don’t want to forget it just because something extraordinary happened. It’s so easy for me to go on and on.
Here is where I get to and I think I’m finally ready to tell you the rest. As far as the story goes, I left us on the path watching our house burn. To be honest, up until a few weeks ago, I was stuck there emotionally too.
You can deny or minimize trauma but that won’t heal it…so I’ve learned.
Thankfully we’re all moving forward and finding our way home.
It was such a joy to meet you last weekend. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story with me. It impacted me in just those few minutes.
Thanks so much, Amelia. And thanks for stopping by.
I love you…..even though I only get to occasionally bump into you…I think of you often and pray always when I do. You are a fierce woman, with the heart of a lioness.
So when am I going to get something new to read? Getting a little impatient here. I’ve been posting something for you fairly regularly, as you might have noticed, and I’ve appreciated your support, but…
It’s been awhile.
Just sayin’.