This little person only has two aunts and both of us are named Al(l)ison and go by “Aunt Al(l)i to Torey’s girls. Ever since a little neighbor boy who adored me would shout down the street “Assalin!” I have encouraged young children to call me Ali. It usually first comes out as “A-wee” but I have no problem with that.
Little Miss Precocious, the same child who could clearly say “Lydia” at 6 months has been calling her two aunties something that sounds like one would make when clearing one’s phlegmy throat. The best spelled approximation is “Eh Eh” but that doesn’t really capture it.
I had the child speaking Chinese with intonation the other day but when I asked her to say my name she just stared at me.
Allison and I have both hit the wall. She’s complaining on Skype from Vancouver and I’m griping here. A couple days ago I threatened to ignore Willa or “Weewa” as she calls herself until she called me by name.
Today, I can’t remember why, she said “A-wee” clear as a bell for Torey, then several times more on the phone and yet again in the flesh when I picked up Eden tonight. It was so sweet and terribly, terribly appreciated.
Did you hear about her love affair with Mr. Dan?
She did it for me too!! how exciting!
I must say I am very impressed, 2 posts in 2 days. I guess for now I will put away my cardboard and sharpies and stop trying to find words that rhyme with BLOG 🙂
the sharpies and cardboard are back on the table.
Yes bring out the sharpies, because this is Blogawful.
so… is this it?
Uh oh, the Canadians are ticked.