Summer’s almost over.
As I write, Lydia is away at a cottage with a friend. Christopher is hunting pests in the garden. Eden and Paul are at her Chinese Camp and I am sitting at Christopher’s desk since my computer has needed to be within three feet of the router to have “wireless”. Last night I was able to go online in my living room which I haven’t done in months. It was a heady experience, but Christopher and Eden set up shop here this morning and I didn’t considering moving it.
Today Christopher and I painted almost all of the front of our house. We ran out of paint, but we’re probably 3/4 of the way there if you discount the roof of the front entry, the eaves and any highlighting of trim; I wish you would since I am. I would love to replace the garage doors with more “cottage-y” looking ones, but financial priorities trump aesthetic ones, so I painted the standard ones we have. I’m very pleased with the color I chose which is a creamy white. Anyone who has seen our home knows that the difficulty would be in NOT improving upon existing conditions. Not everyone can classify home improvement as community service but we can and are.
I’ll keep you posted…ish.
That’s a great lake picture.