Remove rocks, ivy and leaves from pool area
Spray deck cleaner on the deck
Clear deck to do above
Seal deck
Haul out tables and chairs
Paint a several (5) chairs, one settee and a table
Lay pea gravel in driveway
Haul necessary pea gravel
Haul and lay mulch in the beds: by the road, in the front, in the south side garden, in the shade garden, in front of the gazebo and the paths
Haul some manure
Deal with the mess on the hill ( spread out leaves, plant vinca? lay mulch)
Lay soaker hoses
BUY attachments so I can just pop hoses on and off
BUY some top soil to get the vegetable pots going
Plant the rest of the seeds
Paint the house
To be continued…
That pool better be ready for when we get there. No excuses.
Pool? Ready.
Every area surrounding it? Not so much.
When you picture the pool I hope you don’t exclude C.Riley, The Legumes, JACK! Lydia and the Schnizz. I tell myself they bring the fun. That’s it! (Twitch. Twitch.)
Please remember that C. will not be wearing his processor making communication even more challenging.
There will also be wine and plenty of it.
Um, exchange EXCITING! for that “challenging” above. (I forgot I was being positive.)
lots of wine and a pool… you have a life jacket I can use….just in case.
I don’t want to miss out on the wine and I fear my swimming skills will deteriorate fairly quickly with each bottle.
17 days to go. It is fun to think Ren has no idea. Should be a fun surprise