I forgot to tell you the story about Jackie’s trip to the emergency vet. It’s been almost two years now since I promised and I note that no one has been clamoring for me to come through?
“Why could that be?” She wonders.
I will give you an excerpt:
“Is there such a thing as Munchausen by Proxy with a canine?” I asked the vet’s assistant.
“You know, that syndrome where parents pretend their kids are sick to get attention themselves – Munchausen by Proxy, is it possible to have it with a dog?”
“I don’t know,” she said, “but if it is, you don’t have it, because every time you call Jack really has a problem…he’s special.”
I thought she might mean special ed, but I wasn’t in a position to quibble.
So if someone would be so kind as to pretend to be interested in this story I would really appreciate it and I’ll tell you why I need your assistance (clamoring – feigned is fine. I might be needy but I’m not picky.) soon.
Thank you ever so much.
bring it on… i’m always interested in jackie
Yup, let’s hear it.
I want you to get closer to finishing the floor.
Write Forest write!
is that the end of the story? seriously? COme ON there has to be more! WHy did he go to the vet, why is he wearing the cone thing? DEtails please!
We’re still waiting Kitten.
have we not met your quotient?
Allison – Ha! Ha! Ha! I haven’t tabulated my neediness quotient. I’m working on the story. It’s taking a long time as I am continually interrupted by spotty internet and these children with THEIR needs. As if that wasn’t enough, Torey is always trying to pawn her children off on me and you know how needy those girls are.
oh, i know.