My brother, Tanner, asked in the comments below, “Has OTJ fallen and can’t get up?”
The short answer is: sort of, but have we ever contented ourselves with the short answer here at OTJ? No.
The long answer is:
I’ve been sick, A LOT, like never, in my entire life like this. I’ve had the flu once and then a relapse, a cold and about three sinus infections since summer. I can go a year without getting sick or only succumb once, but not this winter. I need to address the new sitchiation with my sinuses and make that a priority.
I have three children in three different schools, one of which is my own. Things are going quite well and I don’t feel like I’m rushing around, but time flies. It’s Friday then Monday, then Thursday – oh Friday again! In between is a blur of pouring the water for coffee, making lunches, signing papers, hustling Eden to Kindergarten and back, teaching Christopher, helping Lydia with homework, chasing Jack, who runs to the neighbors at least once a day (We’ve GOT to fix that fence!), cooking and cleaning, a little laundering, talking to Paul before he passes out and sleeping when I am able.
This winter I realized that I am so pathetically easy. If the sun comes out even once a week it keeps me from clawing my eyes. I have also determined that we WILL set aside funds this year to go somewhere warm for mid-winter or spring break. I don’t care if selling plasma or organs is needed to balance the budget – it’s going to happen.
We are all doing well, though every day is a navigation of new territory as we have a teen now as well as a tween, and the redoubtable Bean. Yowza! It has become clear that taking care of one’s health is necessary to parent well.
In the distance I can hear Christopher talking to a librarian, which makes me smile. The library is now my online connection. Something is still wonky with our router and calling India is somewhere after laundry on my list of things to do. Regular readers know what that means. It’s actually been good, as I find it so easy to spend too much time online, especially in the winter.
So we’re here, we’re quee…oh wait. We’re here and eventually we’ll be back more regularly.
good, cuz I miss reading about your life!
I hope you get over all these ilnesses soon!!
Now is the fundage saving for spring break 09 or 10? Makes a big difference! hehe
Captcha word of the day: flofic- a fluid like state. A state of fluidity. FLowing from one thing/place to teh next without hindrance.
You know… Hawaii tickets are really cheap right now… you could rent a little condo, maybe Nathan and I could meet you there! Ah, that would be nice.
Or, there’s always a free place to stay in Santa Barbara, it was in the 60’s around 9pm last night… 😉
Okay, I’ll try to lay off the pressure a bit.
oh good, i just left a message on the peanut gallery this morning wondering if a blogger pep rally was in order to motivate the troops…
I had a nice little IM conversation with Christopher the other day and suggested that he get back at it because Zelda is way old news….
in ten short hours i’ll be in delhi. on the technological front i could be your ilaison in india. i’ve been here a couple of times now. i’m practically a native.
As a former public library director, my heart is warmed by your using the library for (one of) its intended purpose. Congratulations for not spending your time there searching for pornography or “casual” relationships. Bravo, Alison.
Wow! That’s quite the shocking picture of the little Bean. I mean…it’s adorable, and all, her showing her incoming teeth, but I suspect that’s a picture she’ll not want to show up at her high school open house. 🙂