We decorated the tree this afternoon and evening. It was a relaxed and lazy day. We had ice cream for dinner and then Christopher made up a couple bowls of popcorn to munch on while they watched a Christmas video. Lydia and Eden doubled up in one of the chairs to share a bowl. I glanced over at them, Eden perched on Lydia’s lap, Lydia’s arm around her, patting her leg lovingly like I do and was struck by how sweet and sisterly they looked.
Lydia is only eleven, but at 5′ 5″ and gaining, she is looking more and more like a young lady and she has always been an old soul. Eden is almost six and getting so big, but is still little and definitely the baby of our family. At this stage the five and a half years between them is so vast. Looking at them this evening I imagined them both grown, perhaps with children of their own, the years between them nothing at all.
I wanted to take a picture of them together, as they are today, a big and little sister, but Paul is away with our camera. And then I remembered Photobooth and took the photo above.
-took a break and visited your blog for a while tonight. Why I don’t do it more often – I don’t know. I should. I LOVE it here. The picture of Paul with his finger up his nose – nice choice…. I just can’t help myself – it’s soooo hot! ; )
Sandi, I know, he’s a looker, but keep it clean!
You’re always welcome here, whenever you can make it.