The day of Lydia’s birth is one of the happiest of my life. She was the bright spot in the midst of a long and dark depression. I held her in my arms before the cord was cut and wept because I was so relieved that she was here and that my labor was finished. Of course, in a whole new way, it had just begun.
I am thinking about this as we navigate, awkwardly, this arduous time which is adolescence.
This picture is my prayer.
May she know that she shines like a light, that she is beloved and that I am always behind her. Help me to be behind her.
What a beautiful picture, in every sense.
Awe, this made me choked up.
What a great Bird.
What a great Mom.
it made me tear up too,
what a beautiful photo…
Happy Birthday Lydia!
happy birthday lydia,
you are beautiful inside and out.
I’m a little behind here, but Lydia, you are a wonderful girl. I cannot believe you are eleven, the age your mother and I were when we first met. Happy birthday, my girl. Know that I think of you that way, as my girl–one I didn’t give birth to, but will love always. You will always have a family in Montana who would take you in, in a heartbeat.
And this photo is stunning.