Christopher is visiting cousins which made having my Mac by the pool a possibility. This lasted for about three minutes before we realized that Jackie Boy was AWOL. Since yelling didn’t summon him, we had to mount a search. By the time all the girls were out of the pool and found their flip flops, Paul found Jack at the neighbors.
The little brunettes floating on alligators are my nieces. It was an all H- – – – – – Girl Sleep Over last night.
Good times, but not much rest.
That would be Eden in the background scratching her leg and toting a Super Soaker.
We haven’t had any pool time yet… How can it be?
oh boy Mactopgraphy is back…whatever will Tanner say? I thought you got a camera?!?!
Your flower beds look incredible! You’ve been a busy girl.
Tilly, HOW can it be?
Kim, I was trying to do a little work by the pool and then decided to document it, as it was the inaugural event, but it all was interrupted by the canine MIA.
Sherry, yes and no. I have been working on the lowest bed, but the upper one is in the midst of entropy, as is the entire hill. This is the first year that I have fiddled with things and just enjoyed myself, enjoying the beauty and just ignoring the unfinished. The wildness of the hill is my choice: I like it uncultivated, but I might steal back that upper bed.