Remember that carnival I’ve told you about? You know the one that, after we attend it, usually results in emergency medical treatment (Bird: opthalmologist with a torn cornea Me: ER with a foot crushed by large, fat pony). Well, it was that time again and I took the kids, singlehandedly and brought along Ren, just for kicks.
All told, it went very well despite the heat (high 80’s) and the fact that we spent FOUR HOURS there. Of course there are stories.
Remind me to tell you about:
~The wine bar (it doesn’t exist, but it should)
~The mother who treated her kids like props in a photo essay
~God help us, the TROLLEY!
Oh and I’m ruminating hard about love, specifically the reckless sort.
Yes, that is paint in Eden’s hair, allegedly washable, but I’m here to tell you it’s not. Ask my white shirt if you don’t believe me.