I type to the sound of warm water running over a small bag of frozen breast milk. It is being thawed for our precious Willa. I have the pleasure of her care for a couple of hours today. She woke a little early and cried for a minute until we heard her. Christopher and Lydia were in the kitchen when I brought her out blinking. She stopped crying immediately as they crowded around her coohing, aaaawwing and ooooohing. She is much loved.
Lydia is holding her and a bowl of popcorn. Willa is grabbing the bowl, trying to get her mitts on some kernels. I took pictures and will post soon. But now, the bottle is ready and the baby eagerly awaits.
I am grateful to care for this sweet girl.
those were some lofty picture promises….
canada is on stand by!
Well, I got busy taking care of the little fuss pot. It was a pleasure – don’t get me wrong – but there was not going to be any pictures posted on Wizzle’s watch.
But still I know I did you a grave wrong. Will you forgive and love again?
I have forgiven and am loving again.
Enjoy your time in montana .