I don’t think the Mactography is ever going to go away, my friends. And why should it?
I was checking my e-mail and beside me was this adorable kid sweetly eating her sandwich. I turned my laptop and took her picture. She decided it would be better if she was sitting on my lap.

I knew we needed one more with that hair. She agreed. Aren’t you glad? Yes, I am still wearing my pajamas when it’s pushing noon. I torked my back this morning and the giant, red Ibuprofen is just now kicking in. Thankfully, I had already worked out and walked the dog with Paul. Most of school we did on my bed, but we did it.
I was talking with my friend, Kim, today and she asked me if we had finally bought a camera. I confirmed that we had.
“What’s Tanner going to complain about now?” she asked.
Oh Boy…now that is throwing a girl under the bus!! Just Kidding! Love you Tanner!!! and you are right to rib ALison about the magenta hue of the pictures…
Alison, I have to admit I was having trouble visualizing how you must take pictures with your laptop, not being a Mac girl and all. Tonight, I saw it in action. I even had my photo taken. I was impressed and am even more glad now that you have a real camera! However I can see the novelty of a computer that takes pictures too.