Eden and I have been reading “Little House in the Big Woods” before bed. It is her first chapter book. She wasn’t sure about it, but I enticed her with the few illustrations and we were off. She is loving it and I am loving cuddling with her and sharing this wonderful story. I was given this set the Christmas I was seven and devoured them. I remember the feeling of lying on the dining room floor in a patch of sunlight reading and reading and reading, feeling so rich to have so many books.
Tonight she was fresh from a bath and it was such a deep pleasure to sit quietly, her wet head on my shoulder, and read together.
what a wonderful picture, and illustration, I can see the ray of sunlight on you.
Elli was about that age when we started the series, and loved it. I would love to re-read them with her one of these days.
doesn’t that illustration of laura on the cover almost look like eden?