– Coffee for breakfast
– Whatever you want for lunch and dinner
– No snacks
– Liquor (wine or beer can be substituted)
“This is my fourth full day on The Program™ and I feel great! I love The Program’s™ flexibility and freedom!” Alison H.
(Alison is pictured above with Nathan Wolfe, founder of the Nathan Wolfe Eating Program™. She is wearing three shirts and two jackets. Any bulkiness should be attributed to her extra layers of clothing and should not – in any way – bring the efficacy of The Program™ in to question.)
How do I sign up for this program? It sounds wonderful…
You are having far too much fun.
I’m thinkin’ you should have brought a girlfriend along on this trip. You know…a shopping buddy for when the boys are at work. And I wasn’t talkin’ IKEA. I know many girls would have wanted this position, but you have drawn names.
Yeah. A couple hundred years ago, sailors found the same diet resulted in scurvy. So, uh, there ya go.
Slap a TM on that bad boy & call it good. Yup. Yeah.
Kim, You can follow the program wherever you are!
Sherry, is there such a thing as “too much fun” for a woman who hasn’t left her home, let alone her children in FAR too long.
Sara, you would certainly be on the list.
alav, I am sooo glad my dear and capable husband, Paul, has the care of my three sweet children rather than a nut job like you. You are REALLY scaring me.
This is a great picture.
I cannot, I repeat CANNOT believe you put NW’s last name. Have you gotten too much sun and rest?
I wish I was there!
You’re in California??? I thought something seemed different these past few days . . . . 🙂 Hope you are having a blast!