I’m flying to California tomorrow.
Let’s just give that a little space.
My two brothers live there. One is in Los Angeles and the other in Santa Barbara. It occurred to me recently that California is much sunnier than Michigan and I wondered why I wasn’t in the habit of visiting my brothers more often, because I love them so much and I think it’s warmer in California and I miss them. A. Lot. Several months ago I told Paul it was ridiculous how long it had been since I had gone out there and that I wanted to this winter and then he left the country, yet again, and I promptly forgot about it.
Fortunately Paul doesn’t have A.D.D. and so he booked me a flight on his air miles when he was in Vietnam. Excellent man.
Before a trip I usually get a little nutty and start doing laundry like crazy, even the forlorn piles of clothes that I am scared to wash. There are stacks upon stacks as I contemplate my entire wardrobe. On the kitchen and bathroom counters there are clusters of vitamins and toiletries I still need to use but am trying not to forget. My brain is straining and whirling.
But it can strain and it can whirl, because I am flying to see my brothers and the sun and the sea and that is worth a lot.
So happy for you! That’s really great. Way to go, Paul.
May you find it refreshing on so many levels.
I expect there will be no posts starting out “it was cold and grey” in the near future.
Have a wonderful time. Say “hi” to Tanner. Maybe someday we’ll meet Nathan. And I don’t mean in heaven.
Have a wonderful time. 🙂
Nice blog. I’m still trying to understand the different facets of
WordPress. As long as I can type in my thoughts and publish them I will be happy.