“Coloring Outside The Lines, Raising a smarter kid by breaking all the rules” by Roger Schank
“Seeing Through Places, Reflections on geography and identity” by Mary Gordon
“The Noonday Demon, An Atlas of Depression” by Andrew Solomon
“The Lynne Truss Treasury, Columns and Three Comic Novels by the author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves”
1. Neducation – always interested in learning about learning.
2. Mary Gordon is a great writer and I am such a fan of personal essays.
3. Ha! Ha! Ha! Sigh.
4. I love the cut of this woman’s jib. If you are a word nerd and have not read “Eats, Shoots & Leaves” you are denying yourself. Very funny.
Let me know about the Noonday Demon book. It sounds interesting.
There’s a lot written by the early fathers about acedia (spiritual sloth/apathy), which they referred to as the noonday demon.
It’s a particular fascination of mine – finding contentment in littleness, in quiet, daily life (quotidian). It becomes important/essential to a stay-at-homer. And it’s easily one of the most important schools for me, this “domestic monastery.”
I haven’t read Eats, Shoots & Leaves yet – have wanted to for years, but keep forgetting about it.
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Scott, I will let you know. In the past I have been in a depression and what is going on is not that, but it’s something. I don’t want it to be, but if it is, it is.
A little girl is sitting on my bed singing, “Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things” a song version of Jeremiah 33:3.
So, yeah.
Music helps.
Did you read my Press Release? I don’t want to assume anything, but maybe, perhaps, possibly, just a hunch, you might know what I’m talking about. Let me know. To get to it you’re going to need to scroll past several sick posts. And I mean sick, in a literal way, not in the exclamatory style like the kids say these days.
And you have GOT to read ES&L. I have laughed out loud when rereading. Treat your nerdy self well.
Yes, I read the Press Release, but I’m still not buying it – several more days of personal experimentation for me.
I agree, music helps. NPR, I’ve discovered recently, helps – not necessarily even listening, but simply hearing adults’ voices in the background.
And I’ll pick up Eats. It sounds sick.
Scott, the study has ENDED. It’s over. All hope is GONE. It’s time to move on, my friend. Let the healing begin and what not.
I have begun to train the children. Apparently, that’s my job.