I know, I know you’re all excited about my insomnia and the bad cold. Nothing beats a post that has the word “hacking” in it, especially when it’s referring to a bodily function. And yet I feel a tension out there, a yearning. Am I right? But what about the laundry, Alison? Is that what you’re wondering? I know I haven’t been keeping you posted on that, and I’m sorry. Many of you have come to rely on knowing exactly how many loads are lying on the floor, how many clean ones are orphaned in baskets, whether or not Paul has mistaken one of these clean loads for dirty and added some dirty socks or worse. I know your dependence and I’ve let you down. Truly, truly, sorry.
Quickly, it’s a veritable smorgasborg: we’ve got laundry on several floors, baskets scattered throughout the house and a small load in the washer, hoping for the dryer. I can’t give details because it’s late and there’s my dignity. Just know I was in a slump when Paul was gone and I hadn’t pulled out of it before I fell ill. But I do have a big announcement about laundry. Very exciting and perhaps, inspiring.
Good times. Good times.
Possible solution #1: Per person, one pair of clothes for church/dress and one pair for play/casual.
Well, maybe do two pairs of play clothes, just so you could wash one pair without the problem of a bunch of nekkid people running around the house.
Possible solution #2: Laundry and house/farm chores – isn’t this what children are for? Isn’t this what homeschooling is for? Plus, enforced servitude teaches character, I would imagine.