OK, I might be getting oh so slightly nutty…ish regarding the sun or lack there of, here in the great state of Michigan. This morning I might have run outside in my orthopedic Adidas sandals to catch what I thought was a ray of sun.
False alarm. It was only a slightly lighter grey, but was exciting still. Later, while responding to some comments from friends who had tried to soak up sun for me, my head spun around as I caught a hint of brightness in my peripheral. Again, I charged outside and there, just above the tree line, was the real and true sun shining on me. I lifted my face and tried to soak it in. In about the time it would have taken me to pull on a coat and boots it was covered by clouds again.
Moral of the story: sieze the day/sun/whatever, even if people pulling up to the stop sign stare.
Heads up – forecast of sun coming your way on Wednesday!!!
I’m pulling out the lawn chairs!
Thanks for helping me to be more grateful for what I have in North Carolina, Alison. I spend much of my winter complaining that it doesn’t feel or look like winter (which I miss greatly), but I need to, instead, enjoy and appreciate the beauty of perfect, though chilly, days.
(Not meant to rub it in, btw – I wish for the beauty of snow this time of year like you wish for the beauty of sunlight.)