a stack of wood in your backyard, a trailer made from a pick-up bed in your frontyard. all that you need now is a chopping block in your backyard and you’re set. the hodgsons, kicking it 289 style. actually, ditch the chopping block. i think you should add a rusty orange mustang to the mix.
Tanner, our trailer is wood, thank you very much, not a pick-up bed, though we already have the chopping block supplied by Dan. The stack of wood is for our “playhouse” that David is going to build some day.
Tough call.
How does one compare an apple to an orange?
I suppose it all comes down to taste.
Jack is good at tasting things, right?
a stack of wood in your backyard, a trailer made from a pick-up bed in your frontyard. all that you need now is a chopping block in your backyard and you’re set. the hodgsons, kicking it 289 style. actually, ditch the chopping block. i think you should add a rusty orange mustang to the mix.
Jack is very good at tasting things.
Tanner, our trailer is wood, thank you very much, not a pick-up bed, though we already have the chopping block supplied by Dan. The stack of wood is for our “playhouse” that David is going to build some day.
Tanner: Actually, Dan left his axe stuck in a piece of wet wood out back. After a few weeks, we pulled it into the shed, but for a while there…
Sherry: Yes, Jack’s an excellent taster, very eager & thorough as you might imagine.
Clearly Paul’s and my comments overlapped.
I did? Now that’s funny.