I’m tired.
It’s been a long week, some good things, some great things and a couple of very hard things and then there’s always the laundry. (A load that is mildewing in the washer is registering shock that I am acknowledging it. Yes, my dirty clothes have emotions.)
Something that is weighing on me is a great thing: I have been asked to open for the keynote speaker at a writing conference, called Breathe that my writer’s group is putting on in October. They actually asked me to do stand up which made me, a few days after I accepted, begin to twitch, so I have decided to “be funny for fifteen minutes”, a distinction that helps me cope most of the time except for almost every morning last week around two when I woke up because I was hot or Paul breathed too loudly or a piece of lint shifted…
The thing is two of my kids have birthdays this month which necessitates celebrating and then I committed to speak at my former MOPS group the week before the conference because I had something to say and when asked to do it October 3 I thought it might be good to do some speaking before the conference. In the dark of the wee hours when I am debating WHICH talk to work on, I question the wisdom.
Fear sucks, my friends. I am going to stop doing it now…
If you are in West Michigan and are a writer or any sort of creative type and would like to attend leave me a comment and I’ll get you some information. And anyone who wants to come just Friday to hear me speak can do that too.
I will put up a link soon.
Cool. I will pray for your October–and the rest of the September that leads up to it.
Wish I could attend.
My mildewy laundry actually screamed at me one time. I just told it “you know where the laundry soap is… clean yourself!” It shut up after that. 😉 KMJ
You need some conversations with your trombonist buddy about performance anxiety.
Let’s talk, sister.