I know that many of you have come to rely on regular updates here at Older Than Jesus on how many loads of laundry are lounging on the floor, what Jack has devoured recently and exactly how early Eden has awakened me. I know your need and I apologize for leaving you all adrift in the mystery this past week.
Rest assured that there is indeed laundry hoping beyond hope of being washed, dried, folded and put away (something for everyone!) Know that Jack’s most recent chew was the hand off a doll, but he very sweetly dropped it when commanded. And sleep easy knowing that Eden was crawling into our bed at four this morning and took a little time to work on her patented spin move wherein her feet are kicking Paul and me simultaneously before we both woke up enough to haul her back to her own bed screaming and yes, kicking. She and Paul soon passed out. I’m up still.
Paul is at a rehearsal for his worship team. I need to dash out to buy supplies for lunches to pack for the big kids because they are going to be OUT OF MY HOME tomorrow for 5 1/2 hours at an environmental science camp. Eden is already farmed out at Torey’s for a sleep over and day away. This means I will have 4 1/2 hours to myself to write and make dust and dog hair angels on the floors.
I will be back soon.
If you think of me tomorrow it is the LOW-ARD telling you to pray against principalities who like to steal my writing time, and I’m not talking about the me sitting on my duff and being scared and resistant ones either.
Enjoy your day. Make good use of it. I want something loooong to read soon.