For those of you with Macs who, inspired by my photography, were thinking about ditching your other cameras and relying on Photobooth alone, I can’t say I endorse that move. See: photo above.
Today we officially opened the pool. To make it fun I tied streamers from the ladder to a post in the fence about ten feet away. They hung across the shallow end, a seeming gateway to the pool. Not having a giant pair of scissors about the place, I grabbed my hedge trimmers and all the kids held on, eager to cut the streamers and open the 2007 Swim Season. It was very funny and the kids were ecstatic.
The thing is, the sun was shining so I couldn’t see Jack and I’m not just talking about the dog. I got everything framed up, but forgot to get the mouse positioned on the camera icon. By the time I got it there and clicked, the kids had cut the streamers.
It’s not a big deal. I mean this is still a nice picture if you don’t mind it being a little blurry, taken too late and with my hat and arm in the corner. I’m just saying if you own other cameras, you might want to hold on to them.
So have you picked up a lanyard for your laptop/camera?